Setting up a Smart Viewing

When an applicant requests a Smart Viewing via the booking page, you’ll receive an email in your inbox

Email template

Contact the applicant to arrange a suitable date and time

When speaking to an applicant on the phone - you may be in a position to offer the Smart Viewing option straight away

A potential way to introduce SV to a new applicant:

Dialogue between an agent introducing Smart Viewing

Instant SV
An instant Smart Viewing allows you to start a Smart Viewing straight away. This is ideal for incoming calls from smartphones.

How to
Select the property > invite the applicant > start the Smart Viewing

The applicant will receive an email or message [based on method of entry] to access the Smart Viewing.

A scheduled Smart Viewing allows you to schedule a Smart Viewing on a specific date or time. This is ideal for applicants who are not able to attend the Smart Viewing now and/or prefer another date/time.
How to
Select the property> select date/time> invite the applicant by entering the applicants email address or mobile number > click ‘schedule a smart viewing
The home seeker will receive email notifications at [X] points to confirm their SV
The applicant will receive an email or message [based on method of entry] to access the Smart Viewing. Reminders will be sent 24hs / 1 hr / 10 min before the Smart Viewing

A walk-in Smart Viewing allows you to start a walk-in Smart Viewing. This is ideal for applicants who visit an agency in person and wish to view a shortlist prior to committing to a physical viewing.

How to
Select the property > enter the applicant details (email address or phone number) > start the smart viewing

Why should I test?
New properties may be added by the branch at a fast rate, and to be familiar with the properties as well as the platform.

How to
Click start test mode now > select the property > open property